Dr. Fengling Han
Associate Professor, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Dr. Fengling Han is a Senior Member of IEEE; and a Fellow Member of The Institute of Engineers Australia. She is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Computing Technologies, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia. Dr. Han is an active associate editor of the IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatics Sinica and an active associate editor of the Australia Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. She was the co-general chair for the 12th European Alliance for Innovation (BROADNET 2021), theme "Beyond 5G Advanced Manufacturing". She is a key member of the Solar Energy Application Lab, at RMIT University. Her research interests include complex networks and applications, renewable energy, and cyber security. She has extensive research project experiences involving collaborations with academia and industrial partners. She has been leading and involved in 12 projects over the last 15 years, including 2 ARC Discovery projects, 3 ARC Linkage projects, 4 industrial-government co-funded projects, etc. She is in the Stanford world’s top 2% of Scientists List.